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Friday, June 2, 2017

Let's go shopping !

Well, hello there. 
I presume that now with the summer approaching, most of you will fall into the consumerism trap ! That gave me an idea and today I'm sharing with you some vocabulary related to shopping that I used with students of Básico 2. I hope you appreciate it : 
Resultado de imagen de shopping
From :

- Go shopping.

- Go window shopping.

- Do the shopping (buy food).

- Buy clothes / purchase clothes / shop FOR clothes.

- Items / products / goods / articles

- Shop assistant vs. Customer. In a bar, there is not a shop assistant, only a waiter or waitress (or bartender). In a coffee shop/café/caferia, you can see a barista.

- Department store. (El Corte Inglés).

- Shopping centre = mall.

- Take something back to the shop.

- Ask for a refund = ask for your money back. To ask for a refund or to change an object you need the receipt (not the ticket).

- Shop online / Online shopping. When you shop online you order items and need to create an account.

- Bargain for a good price :
- The changing rooms are the places where you try something on to see if the clothes you buy are your size. The clothes can fit you (be your size) and the clothes can suit you = look good on you.

- You go to pay (proceed to payment) to the checkout / till.

- You put your items in the trolley or the basket. Online you can put it in the shopping basket / cart.

- You can pay IN cash or BY credit card. You have to give your payment details online and your delivery address.

- Ebay is an auction site/website

Well, I hope you can use my vocabulary in real transactions in an English-speaking country. See you next week ! Enjoy yourselves and don't spend too much money. 

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